The engines are still roaring in the Green Hell - and with three races still to run, the Nürburgring Endurance Series will start into the golden autumn and towards the championship decision on 08 October. To ensure that the friends of cultivated Nordschleife sport don't get bored over the winter, preparations for the 22/23 season of the Digital Nürburgring Endurance Series are in full swing. More competition is the motto for the winter. To bring the DNLS races to the home screens, the livestream will also be upgraded again.
The DNLS is entering its fourth season. Originally launched as a replacement for cancelled races in the real world at the beginning of the pandemic, the digital counterpart of the Nürburgring Endurance Series quickly drove its way into the hearts of the fans. Thrilling motorsport in cold temperatures - the virtual world makes it possible. And to make the DNLS experience even stronger, there are some innovations in the livestream. The opening show will have a new format. A big part of it is the earlier entry into the training events in order to pick up the viewers even better. In addition, the two regular presenters Patrick Simon and Olli Martini will in future always be assisted by a simracing expert who will contribute his expertise in virtual racing.
What has distinguished the DNLS from the very beginning is the combination of real racing drivers and simracing professionals in the cars of the SP9 class. These rules will be refined for the coming season. In the process, an internal rating of the simracing pros will ensure more competitiveness among the participants. The requirements that a real racing driver has to bring along in order to participate will also be concretised in order to ensure more competitive competition.
The DNLS season starts on 19 November with the first race. Shortly before Christmas, it will be another round on 17 December. In the new year, the races will take place on 7 January, 11 February and 11 March. The SP9, CUP2, SP10 and SP3T classes will be offered again this winter season. Up to 60 vehicles will compete in the 3-hour races in the racing simulation iRacing. Registrations will be possible online shortly.